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The God of gods?
In this episode of the show the podcast hosts jump into the doctrine of Angelology, and discuss how the bible compares and contrasts spiritual beings with God himself. Spiritual beings are called "gods" in the Old Testament, and yet consistently the Bible confesses that there is only one God. Is this a contradiction? Join us as we discuss the details surrounding the unseen realm.
Grab a drink and enjoy the show.
An Antinomy of Scripture: God's Sovereignty and Man's Responsibility
In this episode the hosts discuss what the Bible teaches regarding God's sovereignty and man's responsibility, what they're calling an "Antinomy". Though both of these truth claims seem to contradict, both are mysteriously true according to scripture. Join the hosts as they conduct a brief survey of each claim, and work through the tension inherent by this paradox.
Grab a drink and enjoy the show.
Unity in Diversity
On this episode of Shadowcast Radio the guys discuss the topic of diversity. The Bible has a lot to say about the different kinds of groups that make up the one body of Christ. Join the guys as they open up the scriptures and discuss the various ways the gospel unifies the church.
Grab a drink and enjoy the show.