We’re three guys from Wyoming who enjoy making jokes, talking theology, and discussing cultural issues. We believe the word of God (Bible) is without error and is God’s revelation about Himself to man. We likewise believe Jesus is the literal WORD of God personified (John 1:1) and that the scriptures (both Old & New Testaments) find their chief end and fulfillment in Him.
We believe that in Jesus there’s life, and the aim of our show is to point others to Him.
“I AM the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have LIFE and have it abundantly.” -John 10:10
As an overview of theological belief, the three hosts of the show subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.
HOST |“Pete”
Nathan Brasington is a professional firefighter who works to love God and people well. After years of work in the fire service industry and church ministry, Nathan believes that there is no greater joy than serving God and serving others on His behalf. Nathan is a family-man, and enjoys sports, being outdoors and playing board games. Nathan holds a BS in Business Administration from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA and is currently studying for a MDiv in Theology from Western Seminary in Portland, OR.
Jerrica Brasington is wife to Nathan and mom to 4 energetic boys and 1 beautiful girl. Jerrica is grateful to be able to be a stay at home mom, which affords her the time to homeschool her 5 children. She enjoys gardening, traveling, and spending time with people. She has a deep love for God, family and wildlife. Jerrica ministers in her church by serving as a Sunday School Teacher, serving on the Church Life Committee and serving on the church’s Christian Education Board. She supports the Shadowcast team by managing social media platforms and providing feedback. She holds an AA in General Studies and an AS in Biology from Western Wyoming Community College.
HOST |“Pete”
Owen Brasington loves God and wants to spend his life in the pursuit of pointing people to Jesus. He strives to bring glory to God in all aspects of life which include his role as a husband & father, financial contract designer/negotiator, Bible teacher and Christian apologist. He loves spending time with his wife (Jess) & children, playing sports, the drums & bass, and competitive board games. Owen currently holds a BS and MS in Finance at the University of Wyoming and is currently studying at Liberty University for a Masters in Christian Apologetics.
Jess Brasington is Owen's wife. She has a heart for helping others to accomplish big things. Jess homeschools her children while also working remotely as a data analyst for a healthcare consulting company. She helps the guys by doing the boring admin tasks they don't have time for and posting on social media. In her spare time, you can find Jess drinking the CrossFit koolaid, watching The Office again or enjoying time with her husband & children.
Jess has taken up her father’s example of “serving Christ through serving others”. She finds joy in serving the Lord as treasurer and worship team member at their home church. She holds a BS in Actuarial Science from Indiana University.
HOST | “P”
Preston Ackerman works as a freelance graphic designer/videographer. He owns and operates his own marketing studio, WYO Studios, which he started in 2019. His greatest passion is the Glory of God and he believes that there’s no greater joy in the universe than seeking God in His word and telling others about Jesus. He enjoys music, art, theology, the outdoors, football, weight training and reading. His two favorite books, apart from the Bible, are Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl by N.D. Wilson and Desiring God by John Piper. Preston holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Wyoming.
Andrew Kneeland is an artist inspired by the wonders of God's grand artistry. Besides his usual artwork with paint and clay, he is an unconventional musical artist. With an eclectic taste in both electronic and folk sounds, he has developed a unique blend of the two that seeks to reflect the creativity of his Creator. In addition to leading worship at his church, he produces beats and songs in his home studio in Rock Springs, Wyoming, to the honor and glory of Christ alone.